Friends of Broad Chalke School


FOBS is a support organisation of parents and friends created to bring together home, school and the local community. Money raised provides the school with valuable extras and equipment, for example, expensive maths equipment and musical instruments. These cannot always be afforded from public funds and therefore FOBS funds make it possible for the school to offer enhanced resources and varied educational experiences for your children. A significant contribution is made to transport without which many school trips would be affordable.

As a parent, you automatically become a member of FOBS when you join the school.  We get together at least once a term to organise a range of enjoyable, social and fundraising activities.  We rely on all your ideas, involvement and enthusiasm

– so please come along.


 Please help support Friends of Broad Chalke School by shopping online.

Every time you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for Friends of Broad Chalke School every time, it’s that easy!

Easyfundraising is registered with many online stores including Amazon, Argos, Moonpig, but you can also do your online food shopping; book a holiday; buy your insurance; change your mobile.  Easyfundraising links you to the retailers site so the experience is just the same, you pay no extra for the products and FOBs receives a small percentage for each transaction.  All you do is register (it's good to click the "find and remind" button) and start shopping or you can download the app on your phone then just remember to use it when you shop!

Find out more:


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Gift Aid Declaration 

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